A closer look at some of the material available from the FigUK library

Please send your updates, comments or suggestions to: Chris Jakeman Forthwrite Editor.

Starting FORTH: an introduction to the FORTH language and operating system for beginners and professionals
Leo Brodie, Prentice Hall 1981 (2nd Ed., 1987), 346 pages,
ISBN 0-13-842922-7

Chris Jakeman writes:
This is the classic introduction to Forth, with helpful cartoons, exercises and solutions. See also Brodie's "Thinking Forth" below.

A new ANS Standard edition is in production. In the meantime, the exercises in the book have been converted into ANS Standard by Ben Hoyt

FORTH: A Text And Reference
Mahon Kelly and Nick Spies, Prentice-Hall, 1986, 487pages,
ISBN 0-13-326331-2 and in hardcover 0-13-326349-5

Dick Miller writes:
Very readable, covers beginner level through relatively advanced, including Assembler and 8087 math co-processor details, particularly appropriate to IBM PC and MMSFORTH, but very strong for general use as well. The only college-level Forth textbook, complete with exercises and answers.

Forth Applications In Engineering And Industry
John Matthews, Ellis Horwood, 1989
ISBN 0-85312-659-3 (Currently out of print)

MPE Ltd. writes:
If you are starting out in the field of real-time control of hardware using Forth, then this book is for you! This text covers most aspects of real-time control under Forth, from the very basics of what Forth is, through to control loops and digital implementations of analogue filters.

Scientific FORTH: a modern language for scientific computing
Julian V. Noble, Mechum Banks Publishing, 1992, 300 pages,
ISBN 0-9632775-0-2

Julian V. Noble writes:
While not intended for the Forth novice, Scientific FORTH contains a good many serious examples of Forth programming style, useful programs, as well as innovations intended to simplify number crunching in Forth. It can now be found in the libraries of several major universities (e.g. Yale, U. of Chicago and Rockefeller U.) and government and industrial laboratories (e.g. Fermilab and Motorola). It comes with a disk containing all the programs discussed in the book.

Thinking FORTH
Leo Brodie, Prentice Hall, 1984,
ISBN: 0-13-917576-8 and 0-13-917568-7 (pbk.)

Dick Miller writes:
This is a top-notch book on strategy, and always was our [MMS] top recommendation for the SECOND book, after you bought a textbook to learn the Forth words. This one teaches you which ones to select when, how to hone your habits for better Forth (and other) programming, etc.

Forth: The Next Step
Ron Geere, Addison-Wesley, 1986, 89 pages,
ISBN 0-201-18050-2

Stephen J. Bevan writes:
As the title might suggest, this is not for the complete beginner. It is aimed at those who have mastered the idea of reverse polish ... etc. and now want to do something a bit more complicated. Covers areas like: using double length numbers, formatting, reading/writing values from/to a port and `infinite' precision integers.

Write Your Own Programming Language Using C++
Norman Smith, Wordware Publishing, Plano, Texas. 108 pages, DOS disk included, ISBN 1-55622-264-5

Norman E. Smith writes:
This book presents a minimal Forth implementation called Until, for UNconventional Threaded Interpretive Language. Until is designed to be used as a macro language embedded in other applications. It can both call and be called by other C functions.

Continued development has enhanced Until since this publication.
The latest public version


In the UK, the main supplier of Forth books is MicroProcessor Engineering Ltd.(MPE)

Why not call them for a complete list of their Forth publications?


Peter Knaggs maintains a growing on-line database (over 400 references) to papers from euroFORML, euroForth and Rochester conferences, also books and standards.

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